| ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) | |
+16pinktwinkle Taylor-Swift TigerPower Frost ( labbie! ) Spazzz13 NeWmS <3 Renna Longshadow Noah [Snakey] Peachfrost Blank's Toucan Mirah Sunsky Cullen Mistyy AlexisGosselin Luver Shadow Cullen Akeria 20 posters |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:18 pm | |
| This thread is Gladly approved! Great job and Congradulations!{Peaches} PLEASE DON'T POST ANYMORE! Welcome to Galaxy Pack.
Here is where we find out where loyalties lie, and where those who can be trusted are. *Part 1**Part 2**Family Trees and Histories*You pad weakly through the forest, stopping at the small lake laying ahead of you. The forest is dark, you hear something behind you. A gleaming black wolf with ice blue eyes steps out of the trees. "Hello." she says. "My name is Venus. Welcome to Galaxy pack." Will you join? Or face the terror of the sheer black forest and the enemies that surround?Capricia scanned the forest with her eyes and stepped in deeper. "Tabatha." She mutters. A black wolf stepps from the shadows. "Astro Pack begins." She says."Astro Pack?" Tabatha asks. "What is that.""That is our new pack. Either you join Astro, or forever wish you had." Will you join Capricia?Riskay is a beautiful calico wolf. She has come a great distance, and her knowledge about foreign ways of fighting. She is a prize. Which tribe will she choose? Help Riskay pick Galaxy or Astro. Roleplay with Autumnsong.Galaxy Pack Background Info: In part one, Galaxy Pack led by Venus and Mars fought Shimmer Pack. They won, but Illiana, a wolf from Venus's past lived. She then stole all of the pups and ran with the survivors to Trample Pack. Trample Pack, led by Nyanti then took three of the pups. Chora, wanted dead by Trample Pack then ran over to save her pups. She got them all back. This is where we are now. Roleplay anyone?Astro Pack Background Info:Capricia, the sister of Venus and Crestant has started her own pack. Tabatha, her lead warrior and Tabatha's brother Tangerine are currently the only members. Starting next part, Astro Pack will be part of the title.Rules: *Please no powerplaying, bad language or most of the standard stuff.* *Generally names have a more spacey feel to them.* *You must be a member for five days to mate, and then another week until you can have pups.* *Please do not roleplay in blue and red. These are for mods.**Good grammar please.*Here is a bad example: "hi how r u" venus talked.Here is how it should be: "Hello," Venus strode forward, sitting down next to the new wolf. "How are you doing?" *Please note that I will write whatever username you currently have next to your wolf. If you change it, I won't change what I've written**Feel free to make as many wolves as you'd like ^^**I'm not like a freak about *If you actually read the rules, please type Shooting Star with your form under Other*Form: Name: Description (Please be detailed): Gender:Pack (Galaxy, Astro, Trample, Shimmer or a Rogue): Rank (Queen, Warrior, Pup or just normal): Mate?: Pups?: Other: Example Form (Alpha Female): Name: Venus Description: Pitch black wolf with ice blue eyes. Gender: Female Rank: Alpha Female Mate?: Mars (Alpha Male) Pups?: Saturn, Mercury, Orion, Orbit and Constolation Other: Shooting Stars, Galaxy. AlphasVenus (cowattack3) Mars (Snakeboy130) Beta's (Yes, there are four: 2 boys and 2 girls) Star (Peachfrost) ShadowNight (MistyRain) Jager (Sockymonkey) StarScream (Blankfeather) Medicine WolvesCelestia (newms) Chora (cowattack3)Loana (Varjak_Paw) Warriors (Male or Female warriors accepted)Lead WarriorCrestant (cowattack3) Other Warriors Mars (Snakeboy) Comet (Sparrow) Sun (cowattack3)ShadowNight (MistyRain)Valintia (Pumpkin_Pie)Kairi (MistyRain)Roxas (MistyRain)Starscream (Blankfeather)Avvina (lilhorselover)Solstice (lilhorselover)Azrac (klmls)Melody (Spazzz13)Risuro (Shadowsowner888)Tere (cowattack3)Sundavar (newms)Flecore (TigerPower)Aroura (AliceCullen)Echo (Horsey)Crank (TigerPower)Angel (TigerPower)Nightstride (Blankfeather)Duskline (Blankfeather)QueensShadowflight (Blankfeather)Chora (cowattack3)Siani (klmls)Nutmeg (MistyDawn)Lunar (Shadowsowner88)Males Crestant (cowattack3)Sun (cowattack3) Jager (Sockymonkey) Mars (Snakeboy) Comet (Sparrow) Arrow (Catza) Rijo (Pumpkin_Pie)Starscream (Blankfreather)Roxas (MistyRain)Solstice (lilhorselover) Azrac (klmls)Sundavar (newms)Flecore (TigerPower)Echo (Horsey)Crank (TigerPower)Duskline (Blankfeather)Nightstride (Blankfeather)Females Star (Peachfrost) ShadowNight (MistyRain) Shadowflight (Blankfeather) Celestia (newms) Loana (Varjak_Paw) Midnight (pinktwinkle)Chora (cowattack3)Valentina (Pumpkin_Pie)Venus (cowattack3)Kairi (MistyRain)Siani (klmls)Avvina (lilhorselover)Melody (Spazzz13)Aroura (AliceCullen)Angel (TigerPower)Pups: Storm (Blankfeather) Twilight (Blankfeather) Flight (Blankfeather) Dawn (Blankfeather)Riku (cowattack3)Rainne (MistyRain)Roah (Catza)Rantu (Snakeboy130)Avery (cowattack3)Aaden (klmls)Avah (klmls)Alu (klmls)Aaron (klmls) Aiery (MistyDawn)Jagwa (MistyDawn)Raiyo (MistyDawn)Saturn (Snakeboy130)Constolation (Blankfeather)Mercury (cowattack3)Orion (cowattack3)Orbit (cowattack3)Eclipse (AliceCullen)
News Thank you all for helping Galaxy make it to Part 3! This is wonderful.~I decided that it would be nice to do some Rogues. If you would like a rogue, please follow the rules above and post a form.Trample Pack Nytani (Peachfrost) Tara (cowattack3) Auster (Pumpkin_Pie) August (Peachfrost) Shimmer Pack Illiana (Rogue) (cowattack3) Jatani (Catza) Juniper (MistyDawn) May (Peachfrost) Namine (MistyDawn) Ashu (cowattack3) Aliyah (Jumperrider1) Tunivar (Tuni) (newms) Fell (AliceCullen)Astro PackCapricia (cowattack3)Tabatha (cowattack3)Tangerine (cowattack3) ^^
Last edited by Akeria Hale on Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:12 am; edited 26 times in total | |
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Shadow Cullen Trustworthy Member

Posts : 2253 Join date : 2008-09-11 Age : 29 Location : SKYDIVING!! :D *whoosh*
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:22 pm | |
| (First post?
Hey Keri! RP?) | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:32 pm | |
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Shadow Cullen Trustworthy Member

Posts : 2253 Join date : 2008-09-11 Age : 29 Location : SKYDIVING!! :D *whoosh*
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:36 pm | |
| (Okay . . . all I have is Luna. XD I could make another charrie if you want me to, though? Only if you want me to, though.) | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:39 pm | |
| ((Go ahead! I don't have a rule as to how many characters you can have. I have like a billion, so I figured everyone should have the same right. :))) | |
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Shadow Cullen Trustworthy Member

Posts : 2253 Join date : 2008-09-11 Age : 29 Location : SKYDIVING!! :D *whoosh*
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:47 pm | |
| Name: Risuro Description (Please be detailed): gray wolf with white paws, and if you part his fur, it is white. Gender: male Rank (Queen, Warrior, Pup or just normal): warrior Mate?: not yet Pups?: not yet Other: Shooting Star | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:48 pm | |
| ((Accepted Shadow. I love the name. Hey, did you think about a new username? You should do a roleplaying one!!)) | |
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Shadow Cullen Trustworthy Member

Posts : 2253 Join date : 2008-09-11 Age : 29 Location : SKYDIVING!! :D *whoosh*
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:52 pm | |
| (Thanks! RP with him now? XD
Yah, I have thought about it, but I'm not sure. I do like my nickname, so it would have to be something that I could still be called Shadow with.) | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:18 pm | |
| ((Sure! I'm sorry if I'm unresponsive though, I'm writing two stories right now XD)) | |
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AlexisGosselin Luver Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1294 Join date : 2008-09-07 Location : Woo Town
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:20 pm | |
| (What do you right about) | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:26 pm | |
| ((Me? Oh I write books. I just started two new ones. One called A Poem That Doesn't Rhyme, and another called Xanizer.)) | |
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AlexisGosselin Luver Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1294 Join date : 2008-09-07 Location : Woo Town
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:27 pm | |
| (Cool cause I right books about my neighborhood dogs) | |
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Shadow Cullen Trustworthy Member

Posts : 2253 Join date : 2008-09-11 Age : 29 Location : SKYDIVING!! :D *whoosh*
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:30 pm | |
| (Ahh, okay. XD
Oh, I didn't know you actually named that one Xanizer!)
Risuro padded slowly along, sniffing cautiously at all the scents. What is this place? he wondered. | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:34 pm | |
| ((Hey. I want a new charrie too. New part = new charrie XD One second. I need a name.)) | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:37 pm | |
| Name: Tere (Pronounced Tear) Description (Please be detailed): A gray almost silver colored wolf with a really light gray almost blue stomach. His paws are white and so is his muzzle Gender: Male Rank (Queen, Warrior, Pup or just normal): Warrior Mate?: Nope. Pups?: Nope. Other: Shooting Star.
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Mistyy One Special Member!

Posts : 6289 Join date : 2008-08-09
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:39 pm | |
| (Aha, I'd add a new charrie, but I just added Nutmeg and her pups! But RP anyone??) | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:39 pm | |
| ((Okay Shadow I'll roleplay. I'm gunna use Tere.)) Tere's eyes focused on the path ahead as he walked. There had to be something around here. | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:40 pm | |
| ((I can RP with you too Misty. Who do you want? Chora's kinda gone though.)) | |
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AlexisGosselin Luver Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1294 Join date : 2008-09-07 Location : Woo Town
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:40 pm | |
| (Akeria please reply on sunrise too) | |
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AlexisGosselin Luver Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1294 Join date : 2008-09-07 Location : Woo Town
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:41 pm | |
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Shadow Cullen Trustworthy Member

Posts : 2253 Join date : 2008-09-11 Age : 29 Location : SKYDIVING!! :D *whoosh*
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:42 pm | |
| (I'll RP Misty, I do still have Luna. :))
Risuro let out a growl, when he scented another wolf. His hackles raised. | |
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Mirah Sunsky Cullen RP Fanatic

Posts : 161 Join date : 2008-09-16 Location : Somewhere.....it's a mystery....dun dun dun du.....
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:43 pm | |
| ORP: Can I jump in the rp?? I have Eclipse. She's a pup though.. | |
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Mistyy One Special Member!

Posts : 6289 Join date : 2008-08-09
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:47 pm | |
| (Umm... I have all charries free! Except Juniper and TwilightFire. Wow, I have alot of charries... Time to kill one off XD ) | |
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Blank's Toucan One Special Member!

Posts : 6322 Join date : 2008-03-14 Age : 26 Location : Tu veux ma photo? Non. Ne photographie pas!
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:48 pm | |
| ORP; Yeppers Alice! Starscream and Eclipse?? | |
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Akeria Trustworthy Member

Posts : 1947 Join date : 2008-08-31 Age : 30 Location : Warding off Phantom.
 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:48 pm | |
| ((No! Of course not! She's being held captive by Illiana.)) | |
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 | Subject: Re: ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!)  | |
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| ~Galaxy Pack~ Part 3: Wrath of the Rogues (No more posting on this thread. Proceed to Part 4!) | |