This is the mahland magic horses. a "zevbra" is a dragon horse. Like this:
The mahland horses thought they had been born for no reason.....well they were wrong. they were born to be protectors. Why do horses need protectors you say? well they DON'T. the humans need protectors-from the OTHER horses. the other horses are evil and feed on humans....and the protectors have to save them.
The Mahland Horses:
Moonstarr the Sky horse (me):
Tigermoon the Tiger horse (~tigy~):
Skyheart the ocean horse (me):
Dawnlight the butterfly horse (~dawn~):
MidnightFell the darkness horse (~midnight*darkness~):
Shadowsavior the cloud horse (shadow_eclipse):
Fill this out:
Protecting who:
Plot: The zevbra is trying to get all the humans......will you save your human?